Data Science and Analytics Lab (DSAL)

About DSAL

Vision: From Data to Impact
Mission: To ingrain a sustained impact through groundbreaking Data science research and services.
Location: Room Number 2048 (2nd Floor – share area)

Our Objectives

The main objectives of DSAL are:

Deliver impactful research contributions to Data Science and its applications.

Collaborate with government and private sector to boost their performance and the rate of productivity.

Conduct interdisciplinary training of highly skilled and excellent researchers and leaders in the data science area, advanced/predictive analytics, data-intensive computing.

Research Areas

Data Science and Analytics Lab its applications (e.g., healthcare, education and biology).


Dr. Nazar Zaki

Leader: AI and Machine Learning

Dr. Amir Ahmed (CIT)

College of Information Technology (CIT)

Dr. Hany Al Ashwal

College of Information Technology (CIT)

Dr. Sherzod Turaev (CIT)

College of Information Technology (CIT)

Dr. Mohammed Mediani

College of Information Technology (CIT)

Dr. Mohd Saberi Mohamad

College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS)

Dr. Zsolt Adam Balogh

College of Science (CoS)

Dr. Ho Hon Leung

College of Science (CoS)

Tetiana Habuza

Graduate Student

Wasif Khan

Graduate Student

Balqis Mubarak Al Braiki

Graduate Student

Aisha Ahmed Almusalami

Undergraduate Student

Farah Ayyad

Undergraduate Student

Tison Regasa

Undergraduate Student

Salama Alnuaimi

Undergraduate Student

Noura Saleh Alameri

Undergraduate Student

Maha Mohammed

Undergraduate Student

Nishi Palakkal Kochunni

Research Assistant

Anusuya Baby

Research Assistant

Osama Abdelrahman

Research Assistant

Awards & Achievements

Co-Chair, CMMCA 2022: Cochaired a highly successful 1st Workshop on Computational Mathematics Modeling in Cancer Analysis (CMMCA2022) - which was held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2022), Sep 18-22, 2022, Singapore. The MICCAI ( is a leading conference on medical image analysis.

2021 - Supervised a winning team: Open Data ADDATHON organized by Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA). We were the only non-industry team to be among the 3 top winners (among 41 teams).

2021 Received Excellent Research Award – Best research work in the 2nd forum for a woman in research. University of Sharjah.


Real-time adaptive brachytherapy treatment planning system based on multi-modality image guidance for cervical cancer

PI – Nazar Zaki, College of Information Technology, UAE University, Al Ain, UAE

Co-PI - Wenjian Qin, The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)

Duration 2 Years

Opinion Spam Detection Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning (SURE+).

Researchers from the Data Science Analytics Lab (DSAL) are working on developing an Opinion Spam Detection Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning (SURE+).

Nazar Zaki

Data Science Analytics Lab (DSAL)

Duration 2 Years

Additional Projects (Mainly by graduate students):

Contact us

  • Data Science and Analytics Lab (DSAL)
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • P.O. Box: 15551, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE
© DSAL 2022 - All rights reserved.