The Big Data Analytics Center (BIDAC)

COVID-19 (Dubai Mediclinic) dataset

Dataset description: We did a retrospective analysis of the clinical data obtained as a standard of primary and secondary care. The study sample included all the consecutive patients admitted to Dubai Mediclinic from 24th February to 1st July 2020 who fit the criteria of eligibility mentioned above (560 cases totally). Using this sample met the intention of the study: to allow for the early prognostic stratification.

The inclusion criteria were as follows: age 18 years or older; inpatient admission; SARS-CoV-2 positive real-time reverse- transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from nasopharyngeal swabs only, at our site. Those patients who met the inclusion criteria for our studies were included in the study sample. All the patients were discharged at the time of writing the paper.

Collecting the dataset: The dataset was collected by Dr. Fatima Al Zahmi, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at MBRU, Consultant Neurologist at Mediclinic Parkview hospital, Dubai.

Ethics: The study received ethical approval from Dubai Scientific Research Ethics Committee (DSREC), Dubai Health Authority on June 3, 2020, reference number: DSREC-05/2020_25.

Downloading the dataset: The dataset is provided on demand.

References: The detailed description of the dataset is provided in the following paper by us, please, cite it while publishing results of your study based on the data:
Statsenko Y. et al. Prediction of COVID-19 severity using laboratory findings on admission: informative values, thresholds, ML model performance //BMJ open. – 2021. – Vol. 11. – №. 2. – P. e044500. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044500

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