The Big Data Analytics Center (BIDAC)

SSCT Dataset

The dataset is named after the title of the Stroop switching card test (SSCT) which is a modification of Stroop switching test by Dr. Maroua Belghali.

Dataset description: A sample of 103 participants, aging from 15 to 75 years, participated voluntarily in this experiment. The inclusion criteria were: (i) literate, (ii) a score of Mini-Mental State Examination greater or equal to 27, and (iii) the absence of visual and auditory impairments. The exclusion criterion was the presence of any medical, psychiatric, or neurologic impairment that could significantly affect cognitive functions. The written informed consent was obtained from each participant.

In randomized order, each participant completed a battery of widely used tests designed to assess: (i) inhibition, i.e., the Stroop Test (Golden, 1978; Stroop, 1935), (ii) switching (i.e., Trail Making Test; Reitan, 1958), (iii) updating (i.e., Digit Span Forward and Backward test), and (iv) processing speed (i.e., Digit Symbol Substitution Test), and the Stroop switching card test by Dr. Maroua Belghali. Each participant was tested individually in a single session lasting about one hour. The total number of years of education served as an indicator of cognitive reserve.

Collecting the dataset: The dataset was collected by Dr. Belghali while she worked on the first chapter of her PhD dissertation.

Ethics: The protocol of the study was approved by the CERSTAPS (Ethical Committee of Sport and Physical Activities Research), Notice Number: 2016–26-04-13. No potentially identifiable personal information is presented in the study.

Downloading the dataset: The dataset is provided on demand.

References: While using the dataset, please cite the following journal article by us. It contains the description of the dataset and the methods of acquiring the data.
Belghali, Maroua, Yauhen Statsenko, and Vasyl Laver. “Stroop switching card test: brief screening of executive functions across the lifespan.” Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition (2020): 1-20.

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