The Big Data Analytics Center (BIDAC)

PRAS_IS dataset

The dataset is named after the project title “Prognostication of Recovery from Acute Stroke”

Dataset description: Weather parameters were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for Al Ain website: daily ambient temperature (TEMP), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WDSP), and AP. The number of days between stroke onset and a given weather event was also measured (expressed by a number after the acronym, e.g., WDSP7 is the wind speed 7 days before hemorrhage onset). We also calculated the humidity index (humidex) from ambient temperature and RH. From these data, we then calculated the derivative parameters characterizing the weather. The daily change and associated lag (up to 7 days before the stroke onset) were calculated for air temperature (TDIF), pressure (PDIF), wind speed (WDIF), relative humidity (RHDIF), and humidex (HDIF).

In addition to weather-related features, we collected and analyzed the following possible clinicodemographic predictors of stroke incidence and clinical outcomes: age (DEMOGRAPHY_age), sex (DEMOGRAPHY_sex), ethnicity (DEMOGRAPHY_ethnicity), body mass index (BMI), history of stroke (History_OldStroke), history of smoking (History_Smoking), current diabetes mellitus (History_DM), arterial hypertension (History_HyperTension), ischemic heart disease (History_IschemicHeartDisease), arterial hypertension (History_ArterFibrillation), and hyperlipidemia (History_HyperLipidaemia), year of hemorrhagic stroke onset (year), day of onset (ONSET_Date), time of day at onset (ONSET_LKW_time), National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at hospital admission (Screening_tools_NIHSS), final diagnosis (Diagnosis_Final), and mRS at discharge (Discharge_Plan_Modified_Rankin_Score). We added the following derivative categorical variables to classify the cases for analysis: age group (DEMOGRAPHY_agerange), with possible categories of 18‒44, 45‒59, 60‒74, 75‒89, and >90 years.

Collecting the dataset: Data on de-identified ischemic stroke cases was collected from the hospital information system in the city of Al Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate. The dataset was labeled the PRAS_IS dataset after the project title “Prognostication of Recovery from Acute Stroke”.

Downloading the dataset: The dataset is provided on demand.

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